Mind Club |
With a view to get the students rid of stress, nervousness and improve their concentration, enthusiasm; Nuva organized "Art of living", the renowned progamme of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar to bring happiness, success and satisfaction in life.
It is regular annual activity introduced by Prof. D.R Raut, Vice Principal of the institute. It is scheduled form 19-1-11 to 22-11.
The programme is turned out to be a huge success as it has received enormous response from the students and the staff as well. As per the perspective of the participants, the programme has done a world of good to them.
The activity is co-ordinated by the President of Mind Club,Mr. Vishal Datir VI sem ETC. It is another feather of pride in the cap of Mind Club of the institute. |
Arts Club |
Objectives- To take over the responsibility of making stage eye-catching for any event.To develop imagination and artistic sense in the skills like photography, rangoli, craft etc. |
Working Committee
- President- Gargi Rewatkar (5th sem EN)
- Vice President- Ashwini Dharmik ( 5th sem IT)
- Secretry- Tushar Nilkurwar (3rd sem Civil)
- Joint Secretry- Prachi Shastri (3rd sem EN)
Activities so far
- In the joint venture with literary club, arts club decorated the wall paper
- 2-Decorated stage for Aarambh the welcome function for first year students,for the grand function of Ganesh festival the students of Arts club made attractive temple and water fountain and decorated the entire hall which took fancy of everyone.
Future Planning
- To decorate the stage for various functions
- 2-To prepare students for various artistic competitions held at the college level and university level.
Dance Club |
Objectives- To develop and enhance the dancing skill and team-spirit thus help to remove the stress. |
Working Committee
- President- Ms Aditi Ramteke (5th sem ETC)
- Vice President- Vipin Kitey (5th sem EN)
- Secretary-Ms Pragya Meshram (5th sem CE)
- Joint Secretary- Ms Hima Mohandas( 5th sem EN)
Executives- There are ten members selected by the above mentioned working committee. |
Activities so far
- In the welcome function for first year students "Aarambh" the dance club presented three majestic dance performances.
- In the Ganesh festival,dance competition was organized , in which first prize went to Ms Vishakha Suchak 1st year and special jury award went to Ms Sharvari Komagwar (5th sem CE)
- In every cultural festival the dance club presents the "Welcome Dance" to inaugurate the programme traditionally.
Future Planning
- To present the quality dance performance on the most awaited event, "NUVOTSAV".
- To present the dance at the university level.
Mentor- Prof. Ashish Kuril (chemistry Dept) |
Literary club |
Objectives- To improve oral and written skills of english language and sharpen imagination and creativity, thus to help in expressing the mind more effectively.
Working Committee
- President- avadhut waghe (5th sem en)
- Vice president- ms sanketa kapse (5th sem it)
- Secretery- ms ankita verma (5th sem ce)
- Joint secretery-ganesh nagre (5th sem ce)
Activities so far
- On 15th august 2010 aadhinayak, the monthly wallpaper was released at the hand of hon. Yashwant raut, the inspirational source for all the nuvaites.
- A language test was conducted by the working committee to figure out the students who need extra coaching of english.
the body of students is formed who are good at english. The members of this body give 30 minutes weekly to the first year students.
Future Planning
- To prepare a quality college magazine this year.
- To encourage students to participate in all the literary event of nuvotsav-viz; debate, elocution, personality contest.
Mentor- prof. Praveen domle (lect. English) |
Music club |
Objectives- Music is the best-remedy for peace of mind. Taking it further, the music club is to generate music skills and develop it and present the performance at the college and university level. |
Working Committee
- President: Rigved Inamdar
- Asawari Vyavhare
Activities so far
On this Independence Day students presented melodious and inspiring patriotic song and on the welcome function Aarambh various spell bounding duets and solo songs were presented. On this occasion singers were Asawari Vyavhare, Sarang Purohit, Rugved Inamdar and Dhyanesh Dhote; and the instrument players were- Guitarist :-Rigved Inamdar and Mangesh Joshi. Tabla Player- Ravi. |
Future Planning
- We are planning to form our own nuva band.
- Planning to organize one rock band concert.
- Planning to organize one musical event both for the faculty members and students.
Mentor- Gaurav Godhlekar |
Sports club |
Objectives- To maintain energy level and enthusiasm,to improve sporting skills,to develop various qualities like leadership,team work etc |
Working Committee
- Vice president (outdoor)- viplav karhade ( 5th sem ce)
sourav kumar (5th sem it)
- Vice president (indoor) monal kawadkar (5th sem etc)
sumit jambhurkar(5th sem etc)
Executive members: the working committee has selected 10 executives from second year. |
Activities so far
- Participated in the university level in football,vally ball,badminton,basketball,athletics,tabletennis and cricket in academic session 2010-11
- presently practice session are held for quality performances at college level and university level.
Future Planning
- To provide opportunity to all nuvaties to exhibit their sporting skill at state level and national level
- To manage sports events at college level
- In coming session to manage and execute sports events at college, intercollegiate and university level.